Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Opening up

Going Well

Sammy is becoming a mush. It’s not that he was cold or aloof pre-Brain Balance but he was shyer and we at home were the only ones who really got a peak inside. Few others got to hear how he was feeling or see his emotions. And there was very little affection shared with anyone besides me or Tom.

But now, things have changed. When at OT last week, he made a feelings chart with Jerzie. He came up with the whole thing on his own –

1. Happy - things went just the way you want them to go today
2. Feeling great - nobody said anything bad about you today.

1. Alright - only a little bad things happened today.
2. Feeling well - you almost felt sick but now you are better.

1. Frustrated - people are saying "nope you didn't do it right - do it again" and you feel frustrated.
2. Upset - people are teasing you and you are upset about that today.
3. 7-13 things that happened bad - today you had 7 - 13 things bad things happen today.

And if this wasn’t enough insight into how our thoughtful boy feels about things, he hugged Mrs. Holland today twice and leaned into her another time. This is a boy who doesn’t touch. But I think I said that already.

So now I need to take it to the next level for you. Because that’s when these changes really rock our world. The boy who opens up and loves gets even more love back. The more he gets, the better he feels about himself. The better he feels, the more successful he becomes. The more success, the happier he is with his life. And on and on. Happiness, life satisfaction, love. What more do we want for our babies?

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